Teacher Bonnie O'Brien with students at the Sod House School at Meharry, MT 1935.
This photo shows the Obach sod house in the background. Built in 1916 when the family relocated to Montana from Manitoba. It's located on ranch land on the northern Montana prairie. In 1919 they built a wooden house next to the sod one. The sod house was donated to the county for use as a school. Classes were taught their from 1924-35. The family left the ranch in 1936 during the 'Dust Bowl' of the '30's.
It's designated as an 'historical' site
[Obach School (historical) USGS Crow Creek Dam Quad, Montana] click here.
The object of my trip to Montana was twofold. To find the location of the sod house and find the burial site of my uncle Mike. He was killed in an auto accident in 1935. click > Search for Mike's burial place
Family Reuion Invitation
Centennial Family Reunion 1916 - 2016

A tale of two sisters